Is Avatar 2 successful? | Can Avatar 2 beat Endgame? | Can kids see Avatar? | Which Avatar movie is better?

Is Avatar 2 successful?

It has performed exceptionally well on Imax screens, surpassing $250 million in box office earnings. This amount alone exceeds the total revenue achieved by numerous films throughout their entire theatrical releases.

Can Avatar 2 beat Endgame?

In a monumental achievement, James Cameron's Avatar 2 has made history by surpassing the lifetime business of Avengers Endgame. The film's box office collection has been outstanding, raking in an impressive 368.20 crores at the domestic box office to date. Titled 'Avatar: The Way Of Water,' this eagerly anticipated sequel was released on December 16, 2022.

Is Avatar 2 successful? | Can Avatar 2 beat Endgame? | Can kids see Avatar? | Which Avatar movie is better?

Can kids see Avatar?

Avatar has received a PG-13 rating due to its inclusion of battle sequences, violence, warfare, sensuality, language, and smoking.

Which Avatar movie is better?

While Avatar had long been hailed as a unique cinematic masterpiece, James Cameron's Avatar: Way of Water has now emerged to break records and surpass its predecessor in various aspects, making it a superior sequel. The second installment not only maintains the excellence of the original but also improves upon it, solidifying its position as a remarkable film in multiple ways.

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